
KT CR multi | KT CR special | Slitsade multi / specialinsatser

f?r renrum, IP54 / UL typ 12

Cable grommets KT CR multi are used with the following cleanroom cable entry components:

KT CR multi-hole and special grommets enable a sealing of the cables with IP54 and UL Type 12.

When using double or quadruple grommets the cable density of cleanroom cable entry frames can be greatly increased. The multi-hole model range KT CR small is designed for cable diameters from 1 to 8 mm. ATG CR adapter grommets provide the possibility to hold a small KT CR grommet to reduce the clamping range down to 1 mm.

When installing the small grommets in multiple rows, the flat sides should be facing each other. This allows the flat sides to match up and provide a secure seal.

The products with article ending .600 are tested and certified for particle emission for cleanroom class 1 according to ISO 14644-1. The materials used for these products have been tested and certified for outgassing according to VOC/SVOC (ISO 14644-8; ISO 16000-6,-9,-11,-25, VDI 2083 sheet 17).

The products with the article ending .601 are tested and certified for particle emission for cleanroom class 1 according to ISO 14644-1.


IP-Klass (EN 60529) IP54
UL Type (UL 50E) UL Type 12
Brandklass UL94-V0, sj?lvslocknande
Temperatur ?40 C° till 100 C°
Material Elastomer
Egenskaper silikonfri, halogenfri


  • G?r genomf?ring av f?rkontakterade kablar via kabelgenomf?ring ramar och delade kabelgenomf?ringar
  • Finns f?r ett stort antal kabeldiametrar
  • ?kad packningst?thet vid anv?ndning av dubbla eller fyrdubbla genomf?ringar

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