
TE | Thread extension

for cable glands and cable entry plates, M32 / M50 / M63

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The icotek cable glands and cable entry plates with metric thread are screwed with a locknut during assembly. If the thread lengths are not sufficient, for example when
mounting on sandwich panels or thick concrete walls, icotek offers a practical solution: the icotek thread extension!

The icotek thread extension is available in three sizes (M32, M50, M63) and in three lengths (35 mm, 60 mm, 120 mm) and represents a real innovation in the field of cable management. The different lengths can be flexibly combined or shortened at the designated points. This means that not only very large, but also dimensionally accurate distances can be overcome when routing the cable. Due to their stable construction, almost any number of thread extensions can be screwed together.

Cut-out size: 37 / 55 / 68 mm (standard sizes for hole saws)

(The cable glands / cable entry plates shown are not included in the scope of delivery)


Brandklass UL94-V0, sj?lvslocknande
Temperatur ?40 C° till 140 C°
Material Polyamid
Monteringstyp F?st med l?smutter
Egenskaper silikonfri, halogenfri


  • Wide range of applications in different industries such as construction, building services, caravans, cleanroom and more.
  • Especially suitable for sandwich panels of all wall thicknesses
  • IP protection of the cable gland or cable entry plate used remains in place
  • Almost endless extension possible
  • Different thread lengths can be flexibly combined with each other
  • Larger lengths can be shortened at the notch between the threads, without damaging the threads
  • Milled recess for wrench size for easy tightening of the screw connection
  • Fits to all round icotek cable glands and cable entry plates M32 / M50 / M63

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