
AB-M | Cover panels

for thread extensions & cable entry systems, M32 / M50 / M63

Core drills with diameters from 80 mm are very often used to make wall openings in cleanrooms, cold rooms, buildings, etc. In order to be able to use the TE thread extensions, metric cable entry plates & split cable glands for such wall openings, the AB-M cover panels are used. They cover the large hole and reduce it to the required size. They also ensure a clean finish to the cut-out. 

The cover panels have an outer diameter of 150 mm and a centre hole of 32.5 mm, 50.5 mm or 63.5 mm to accommodate the thread extension. They are made of 2 mm stainless steel and are bevelled on the outer radius to create a perfect transition to the wall.


Material Rostfritt st?l
Monteringstyp Sj?lvh?ftande montering


  • Reduction of large drill holes to the required size at the cut-out 
  • Suitable for the TE-M32, TE-M50 and TE-M63
  • For a clean finish at the cut-out
  • Perfect transition to the wall thanks to the bevel on the outer edge
  • Installation with silicone or mounting adhesive (without fixing holes for hygiene reasons)

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