
KT-BL | Cable grommets for the food industry

for cable diameters 1 - 35 mm / IP64 / IP65

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The KT-BL range of grommets are particularly suitable for use with the KEL-ER-BL cable entry frames. The signal colour blue provides clear visual colour identification.

The small grommets are designed for cable diameters from 1 to 16 mm, the large grommets for diameters from 16 to 35 mm. Blank grommets can seal unused grommet locations.

When installing the small grommets in multiple rows, the flat sides should be facing each other. This allows the flat sides to match up and provide a secure seal.


IP-classificatie (EN 60529) IP54, IP55, IP64, IP65
Vlam klasse UL94-V0, zelfdovend
Temperatuur -40 C° tot 100 C°
Materiaal Elastomeer
Eigenschappen zonder siliconen, halogeenvrij


  • Routing of cables with and without connectors through the cable entry frame KEL-ER-BL
  • High protection class up to IP65
  • High strain relief in accordance with EN 62444
  • Available for a wide range of cable diameters
  • Signal colour blue for a clear visual colour recognition in the food industry

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