
KEL-ER CR split cable entry frames

for the use in cleanrooms / IP66 / UL Type 12/4X*

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Split cable entry system for routing and sealing cables with connectors, providing an IP66 / UL Type 12/4X* rating and strain relief for cable diameters from 1 to 16 mm (single-hole grommets KT CR 1 - 15) and 16 to 35 mm (single-hole grommets KT CR 16 - 34).

The cable entry system is easy to install. Cable grommets are placed into compartments and are securely fixed to the frame during assembly.

The KEL-ER CR frames match exactly the cut-out dimensions for 10-, 16- and 24-pin standard industrial connectors. Either a cut-out of 36 mm or 46 mm in height can be chosen depending on the cables being routed. The KEL-ER-B CR frame matches the cut-out dimensions of 46 × 46 mm measuring instruments. 

The single-row versions KEL-ER-E CR are particularly suited for flat connectors. The small frames are ideal for applications with limited space.

A flat rubber gasket is included in the shipment.

The products with article ending .600 are tested and certified for particle emission for cleanroom class 1 according to ISO 14644-1. The materials used for these products have been tested and certified for outgassing according to VOC/SVOC (ISO 14644-8; ISO 16000-6,-9,-11,-25, VDI 2083 sheet 17).

The products with the article ending .601 are tested and certified for particle emission for cleanroom class 1 according to ISO 14644-1.

*4X for indoor use only


IP-classificatie (EN 60529) IP54, IP55, IP64, IP65, IP66
UL Type (UL 50E) UL Type 12, UL Type 4X*
Vlam klasse UL94-V0, zelfdovend
Temperatuur -40 C° tot 140 C°
Materiaal Polyamide
Montage type Schroefbevestiging
Eigenschappen trillingsbestendig, UV-bestendig, zonder siliconen, corrosiebestendig (RVS uitvoering), halogeenvrij


  • Garantie op voorgeconfectioneerde kabels blijft behouden
  • Ombouw, reparaties en onderhoud kan snel en eenvoudig
  • Hoge kabeldichtheid, veel verschillende doorvoertules
  • Trekontlasting conform EN 62444
  • Hoge stabiliteit, schokbestendig
  • Ruimte besparende vorm

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