
KEL-DPZ CR multi-membrane cable entry plates

for the use in cleanrooms / up to IP66 / UL Type 12

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KEL-DPZ CR cable entry plates are designed to route and seal a large number cables without connectors, hoses or fibre optics (from 1.5 mm to 22 mm in diameter) in limited space.

The KEL-DPZ CR products are a cost and time saving alternative to traditional cable glands.

The assembly of the KEL-DPZ CR with cables or pneumatic hoses can be done quick and easy. Simply make a small hole in the thin membrane, push the cables through. The KEL-DPZ CR provides strain relief and protection up to IP66 / UL type 12.

The KEL-DPZ CR matches exactly the cut-out dimensions of 6-, 16- and 24-pin standard industrial connectors. The size KEL-DPZ-B CR fits on cut-outs 46 × 46 mm. The very compact size KEL-DPZ-E CR is designed for routing cables in very small space. Through a cut-out of only 18 × 112 mm, up to 21 cables can be easily routed and sealed.

Especially for Rittal KL / KX terminal boxes the size KEL-DPZ-KX/KL CR was created. It was designed for routing up to 72 cables through the pre-cut standard cut-out. The self-tapping screws required for assembly are included in the scope of delivery.

The products with article ending .600 are tested and certified for particle emission for cleanroom class 1 according to ISO 14644-1. The materials used for these products have been tested and certified for outgassing according to VOC/SVOC (ISO 14644-8; ISO 16000-6,-9,-11,-25, VDI 2083 sheet 17).

The products with the article ending .601 are tested and certified for particle emission for cleanroom class 1 according to ISO 14644-1.


IP-classificatie (EN 60529) IP54, IP55, IP64, IP65, IP66
UL Type (UL 50E) UL Type 12
Vlam klasse UL94-V0, zelfdovend
Temperatuur -40 C° tot 100 C°
Materiaal Elastomeer
Basisframe: Polyamide
Basisframe: Roestvrij staal V2A
Montage type Schroefbevestiging
Eigenschappen zonder siliconen, halogeenvrij


  • Snelle montage
  • Hoge kabeldichtheid
  • Beschermingsgraad tot IP66 (conform EN 60529)
  • Automatische afdichting en trekontlasting voor de kabel
  • Hygi?nisch design - vrij van vuilophopende uitsparingen
  • Ruimte besparende vorm

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