
KEL-FG-ER | Haakse deelbare kabelinvoer

voor 90° invoer van kabels met connectoren / IP65

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The cable entry frames KEL-FG-ER are suited for installation of cables with connectors and conduits at an angle of 90° to the cabinet, enclosure or machine wall, providing an IP65 rating and strain relief for cable diameters from 1 to 16 mm (single-hole grommets KT 1 - 15) and 13 to 35 mm (single-hole grommets KTG 13 - KT 34).

The KEL-FG-ER-A frame matches exactly the cut-out dimensions for 24-pin standard industrial connectors. The KEL-FG-ER-B is suited for cut-outs 36 × 46 mm.

The single-row versions KEL-FG-ER-E are particularly suited for flat connectors. The small frames are ideal for applications with limited space.

Due to the integrated seal on the flange enclosure, a protection class of up to IP65 is provided. An additional flat rubber gasket is included in the shipment.

It is also possible to integrate threaded bushings. Please ask us about your desired variant. The version with threaded bushings enables the cable entry frame to be screwed onto the housing from the inside out. This protects against vandalism and tampering with the housing from the outside.


IP-classificatie (EN 60529) IP54, IP55, IP64, IP65
Vlam klasse UL94-V0, zelfdovend
Temperatuur -40 C° tot 90 C°
Materiaal Polyamide
Montage type Schroefbevestiging
Eigenschappen trillingsbestendig, UV-bestendig, zonder siliconen, halogeenvrij


  • Haakse installatie op een muur
  • Mechanische bescherming direct bij de invoer van de kabel
  • Bescherming IP65 tegen waterstralen en druppels
  • Garantie op voorgeconfectioneerde kabels blijft behouden
  • Trekontlasting conform EN 62444
  • Hoge stabiliteit, schokbestendig

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