
KEL-DPZ-CLICK inklikbare membraan kabelinvoerplaten

met metrische schroefdraad M25 - M63 / IP65 / IP66 / IP68

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KEL-DPZ-CLICK cable entry plates are designed to route and seal cables without connectors or fibre optics (from 1.5 mm to 22 mm in diameter) in limited space.

The new variant of the proven cable entry plate KEL-DPZ is snapped into the cut-out directly from the front. This significantly reduces the assembly time. Alternatively, the new variant can be fastened with a locknut. The KEL-DPZ-CLICK series have a thread to fit in metric cut-outs from M25 to M63. Thus cut-outs for metric cable glands can be used.

Snapped into the cut-out:
For wall thickness 1 – 2.5 mm
Protection IP65

Fixed with a locknut:
For max. wall thickness 11 mm
Protection IP66 / IP68

The assembly of the KEL-DPZ-CLICK with cables or pneumatic hoses can be done quick and easy. Simply make a small hole in the thin membrane, push the cables through. The KEL-DPZ-CLICK provides strain relief and protection IP65 / IP66 / IP68.

ST-B Plugs can be used for sealing pierced membranes if cables have been removed.


IP-classificatie (EN 60529) IP54, IP55, IP64, IP65, IP66, IP67, IP68
Vlam klasse UL94-V0, zelfdovend
Temperatuur -40 C° tot 100 C°
Materiaal Elastomeer
Basisframe: Polyamide
Montage type Bevestiging met borgmoer, Snap-in
Eigenschappen zonder siliconen, halogeenvrij


  • Snelle montage
  • Twee montagetypes: vastklikken en vastschroeven
  • Hoge kabeldichtheid
  • Gecertificeerde beschermingsklassen IP65/IP66/IP68 (volgens EN 60529)
  • Automatische afdichting en trekontlasting voor de kabel
  • Geschikt voor metrische uitsparingen
  • Hygi?nisch design - vrij van vuilophopende uitsparingen

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