
KEL 183 | Gedeelde kabelinvoerframes

voor kabels met diameters tot 75 mm / IP54 / UL Type 12

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The split cable entry frame KEL 183 enables the user to route cables and tubes with a diameter of up to 75 mm (depending on the frame type) and to seal them in accordance with IP54 / up to UL Type 12.

For cables up to 35 mm the cable grommets KT can be used. With these split cable grommets, pre-terminated cables can be routed. For cables up to 75 mm we have created the grommets KTMB for KEL 183. Those are not split and have a defined area for pushing the cable through.

The KEL 183-E is the compact version of the cable entry frame KEL 183. It is available in 2 versions.

The KEL 183-E4 with its 4 large KT grommets is particularly suitable for routeing supply lines and hoses with diameters up to 35 mm. Using KT-DPF grommets enables flexible routeing of rigid cables.

The KEL 183-E16 with its 16 small KT grommets offers a large packing density for cables up to 17 mm in diameter, with or without preassembled connectors. Especially suitable for large sized connectors.

The grommets are securely fixed inside the frame and can’t fall out. Once the lid is affixed to the base frame, it is compressed and tightly sealed.

A flat rubber gasket is included in the shipment.

This product is available in different versions: With steel screws or stainless steel screws.


IP-classificatie (EN 60529) IP54
UL Type (UL 50E) UL Type 12
Vlam klasse UL94-V0, zelfdovend
Temperatuur -40 C° tot 140 C°
Materiaal Polyamide
Montage type Schroefbevestiging
Eigenschappen zonder siliconen, halogeenvrij, corrosiebestendig (RVS uitvoering), trillingsbestendig, UV-bestendig


  • Installatie voor kabels tot een diameter van 75mm
  • Het is mogelijk om stugge kabels te monteren onder een hoek
  • Ombouw, reparaties en onderhoud kan snel en eenvoudig
  • Sterk verhoogde kabeldichtheid bij gebruik van dubbele of viervoudige doorvoertules

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