
QT-AT-PP adaptertulen

gebaseerd op QT groot, voor PushPull-connectoren / IP54

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The grommet QT-AT-PP is constructed on the basis of a large QT cable grommet. The polyamide body is moulded with elastomer.

The cut-out enables a screw assembly of all compact connector housings based on the PushPull device connection technology.

The insertion of QT-AT-PP into an icotek cable entry frame enables the routing of cables with and without connectors in combination with the creation of interfaces for PushPull connectors within one cable entry system. Separate cut-outs for connectors are no longer necessary.

QT-AT-PP provides ingress protection of up to IP54.


IP-classificatie (EN 60529) IP54
Vlam klasse UL94-V0, zelfdovend
Temperatuur -40 C° tot 100 C°
Materiaal Elastomeer
Basisframe: Polyamide
Eigenschappen zonder siliconen, halogeenvrij


  • By utilising the QT-AT-PP grommet, connectors can be integrated directly into the cable entry frame
  • Aparte uitsparingen voor connectoren zijn niet meer nodig
  • Ruimtebesparende oplossing
  • Grommet is suitable for PushPull housings
  • Cost-saving assembly

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