
BES Brush strips

for the cable management in 10" and 19" server racks

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This brush strip from icotek is suitable for installation in 10" or 19" server racks from various manufacturers.

The special feature of the BES brush strip is that the integrated spring locks allow tool-free assembly and disassembly. All that is needed is to release the locking mechanism on both sides.

The network cables are simply passed through the brush strip. The cables are hidden from view inside the network cabinet. This gives a tidy appearance. The brush strip also prevents the ingress of dirt.


Temperatuur -30 C° tot 80 C°
Materiaal Plaatstaal, gepoedercoat
Borstels: Polyamide


  • Suitable for 10" and 19" server racks from various manufacturers
  • Tool-free assembly and disassembly
  • Ready for installation

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