
Grommet box configurator


KT ServiceBox

Assortment case for different types and sizes of cable grommets of the KT series (suitable for KEL / KVT).

KT large: 5 grommets per compartment
KT small: 10 grommets per compartment

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QT ServiceBox

Assortment case for different types and sizes of cable grommets of the QT series (suitable for KEL-QUICK / KEL-QTA / QVT).

QT large: 5 grommets per compartment
QT small: 10 grommets per compartment

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武清区| 汉川市| 北碚区| 大同县| 马关县| 邹平县| 吉隆县| 饶平县| 建昌县| 仪征市| 松溪县| 潮州市| 沈阳市| 壶关县| 油尖旺区| 乌拉特后旗| 海伦市| 聂荣县|