
Product configurator

1. Product group 2. Product type 3. Product size 4. Product variant 5. Choose suitable grommets

3. Choose product type

DB 3×1 | M32

Mounting options: fasten with locknut

Classification: IP54

Max. cable diameter: 15 mm

Length: 72 mm

Width: 67 mm

Height: 53 mm

Cut-out size, round: 32.3 mm

DB 3×2 | M50

Mounting options: fasten with locknut

Classification: IP54

Max. cable diameter: 15 mm

Length: 94.5 mm

Width: 87 mm

Height: 53 mm

Cut-out size, round: 50.4 mm

DB 3×3 | M63

Mounting options: fasten with locknut

Classification: IP54

Max. cable diameter: 15 mm

Length: 115 mm

Width: 104 mm

Height: 53 mm

Cut-out size, round: 63.4 mm

洮南市| 蒙城县| 个旧市| 砚山县| 高阳县| 宁德市| 侯马市| 井研县| 肇州县| 宁强县| 林芝县| 浑源县| 台安县| 庆安县| 封丘县| 广灵县| 油尖旺区| 大英县|