
Gumové těsnění

pro dělené pr?chodkové ráme?ky

A flat gasket is provided to ensure a clean seal between the cable entry frame and the enclosure / control panel wall. Although this gasket is included in delivery, it can also be ordered separately. The standard gaskets for our KEL cable entry frames are self-adhesive on one side. This facilitates the alignment and assembly of the gasket.


  • Clean seal between the cable entry frame and the enclosure / control panel wall
  • Self-adhesive for easier alignment and assembly

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石棉县| 石嘴山市| 从江县| 临汾市| 五峰| 肥西县| 元氏县| 永丰县| 万山特区| 古交市| 开封县| 辛集市| 高要市| 阿荣旗| 白水县| 沈丘县| 阿拉善左旗| 玉树县|